Friday, March 21, 2014

Why Does My Church Matter?

There are many different types of religions and churches, so why should I socially be judge because I practice a different religion than the person next to me? A church is a type of religious organization that is well integrated into the larger society. (Sociology book)

I think people lose the concept of the church. The definition in the Dictionary is: public worship of God or a religious service in such a building. ( People lose site of this because in my past high school days I would have debates of which church or religion is better. Debating over these things do nothing because all churches are different as well as religions. Even though I say this some people think as if they are superior because they are different religions, which I think is not fair because we all worship some sort of higher power, which is the only person who is higher or more powerful than us. 

Also, I've came into contact with people because they go to the same denomination church, but still think their better because their church might be bigger, on television, or in a better city. ( Churches characteristics are to try appeal to everyone, have a highly formal style of worship, formally train and ordain leaders, are long established and organizationally stable, and attract members of high social standing. If these are a broad characteristic of churches then why does it matter if I go to a small or big church? It shouldn't as long as I'm happy there and growing more as a better person in the religion and that specific church. Which church you go to shouldn't matter.

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