Friday, March 21, 2014

Who are you? What is your status?

  Knowing who you are affects your everyday life. This can mean knowing your personality and the things you want out of life. In this case, I am referring to knowing your status. As of today, I hold the status of a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a best friend, a friend a student and an employee. Seems like many titles to hold all at one time. You will think my life is a tab bit stressful. My life can be stressful at times but whose is not. My status sets makes me who I am. Some statuses were giving to me naturally from birth, which is my ascribed status such as being a daughter, sister and cousin, just to name a few. Other status I hold, such as a student and an employee were statuses that I took on voluntarily that reflects my personal ability and effort. Those are my achieved statuses. They were not handed to me; they were something I worked for. As a student, I worked my way to my junior year in college after being an honor student in high school and valedictorian in elementary school. I am a hard working individual. Each of these statuses comes with roles and role sets, which is the behavior I am expected to have, attached to each status. Sometimes having many status causes conflict. I remember a while ago, my cousin and best friend were not seeing eye to eye and I was stuck in the mist of the drama. To sum things up, I had to maintain the role of being a cousin to my family and a best friend to my friend. It was a hard thing to do, but I maintained it.

   Social status also relates to how you interact socially with others. The person you carry yourself as, is whom society sees you. Are you nice? How do you express yourself? How do people of our surroundings view you? I carry myself with positivity, intelligence and an open mind. I am person who is easy to communicate with others and who normally speaks to others. Because I am female and know the type of female I am, the way I act in public really comes from the statuses I have. For example, I am a member of a student organization on campus. With the simple fact that everyone on campus addresses me as a member of such, therefore my actions reflect back on my organization. If was not involved on campus I will be just who I am, Chanel. Now it is, “oh she’s an s-dot, her name is Chanel.” If I would not have to constantly play the role as a member of my organization daily in my everyday life, my actions may not be the same that they are today.  With this being said, I want to close by stating, know who you are, take count for the role you play in everyday life. Always put your best foot forward because you never know who is watching you and what they are watching you for.

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