Thursday, March 20, 2014

Joining something that could change your life

Joining groups and organizations is something that a lot of people in schools, colleges and even outside into older ages are taking part in. Some are to boost self esteem, some to find new find new friends in such a scary place like college, and some are for grades, and common interest.  But what is it that drives us to join these groups and want to find people that we can fit in and relate to? There are two types of groups, their primary groups where its more small and personable  where you can make ever lasting friendships. And then there is secondary group which is larger and less personable where the members all have the same goal in mind or activity they like to do. It's an everlasting feeling to be able to fit in with people who you can completely relate to!
Image from the link below.
I know for me coming to college was scary because I came from a small town where everyone knows everyone else. I wanted to be able to make a lot of friends in college who had the same interest in the things I like and so I wanted to go greek and join a sorority chapter. I went through thinking theres no way I could be myself when these girls are so beautiful and flawless when they walk out of their chapter houses. I went through the three days of formal recruitment, it was a very long process but it was the best decision I ever made coming to college. I joined Alpha Sigma Alpha at the end of the three day process and I found girls who liked the same things I liked to do, I also found a lot of girls who like different things and showed me a bunch of new and fun things to do.  In my sorority our philanthropy is Special Olympics, we raise money by hosting a dance competition and all of the money we donate to Special Olympics. I mainly joined my house because my major is involved with working with children with disabilities and I volunteered for Special Olympics previously and that event stood out to me as it did many others in my house. We also volunteer to help with the Special Olympics bowling and be their cheering buddies.

This picture is from our philanthropy event called Do It To The Crowd to raise money for Special Olympics. This photo was taken by our Chapter Advisor Kristen Huben. 

We also help out with the organization Girls On The Run, its for elementary girls who are training for a 5k, we have practices every monday and thursday and during theses practices we do things to boost their self esteem during these year that could be very curtail to their self esteem. Our whole chapter attends the race in may and we do things like cheering them on and doing face painting and fixing hair.

My chapter is both a primary group because everyone is everyone is very personable and knows everyone but we also have the secondary because we all have a main goal to raise money for Special Olympics and to help support the Girls On The Run! I loved joining an organization that I could put fourth so much effort and see the outcome being amazing! I now know why people join organizations, it's not only to find a place to fit in with people who are like you but its also to make a difference in a common goal and have an everlasting amazing feeling of greatness.

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