Margaret Rivera
Religion in the Changing Times
The picture above
illustrates and correlates to the many different religions that are around us
and how none are the same but all are created for the same purchase, which is
to fulfill the needs of people, by creating good environments for people to
broaden their horizons and meet new people.
With the entering of a
new era we are beginning to see the new generation of people begin to take hold
of the communities around them. That begins the impact on religion and this new
generation, the generations before us are much consumed into religion because
that is what they have always grown up around, however this new group has
consumed themselves in electronics and less on religion. As said by US news “The
majority of American teens believe in God and worship in conventional
congregations but their religious knowledge is remarkably shallow.” We see and grasp that this age teens are not
fully immersing themselves in religion as ancestors had. So we begin to
decipher if religions will be as pursued as they were years ago because as said
by Carol Lytch from religion-online “We have known for years that parents are
key influences on teens religious lives.” So does that mean as this generation grows
up and no longer has the religious push from parents will religion and worship
begin to diminish. With sociological studies we will begin to understand and
see the change in religion as the new age comes to terms with it and we will
see whether it will increase or begin to diminish.
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