Friday, March 21, 2014

Welcome to My Crazy Family

  The first memories that I ever recall are of my sister in her little bouncy swing in the kitchen and me trying to tip her out of it. I was only two or three at the time and my sister is two years younger than me. But now that my sister and I are grown up we love each other, yes we still bump heads with each other but at the end of the day we are still family. But a family starts with a mom and dad falling in love and making the choice to have kids. My family is the most important thing that I have. I know that if I am ever confused with life or just need someone to talk too they will always be here for me. I love making my family proud. Without my family I would not be who I am today let alone be here at all. When a child is first born the first people that the child sees is its immediate family. That is the most important stage because that family is going to be there for the child for its whole life.  But if the family is not their for the child then the child can go in many directions which can be very dangerous. If no one is there for the child then it can turn to find people there for them and it could turn really ugly.  The functionalist theory suggests that the function of a family is to socialize children into society and which in turn benefits both the children and society as a whole. Luckily for me my family has been there for me through it all and we are super close and we all get along. Here is a picture of my family and I in Orange Beach Alabama on a family vacation and as you can see we are very happy and stable.

  The textbook describes kinship as a social bond based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption. Kinships change when a kid grows older, they eventually will start their own family whether with a spouse or if they never marry. A family as described in the book states that it is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children. A family is branched off into two sections, an extended family and a nuclear family. An extended family is a family composed of parents and children. A nuclear family is a family composed of one or two parents and their children.  But now a day’s families are either extremely close or not so close. Families today also are sometimes very diverse. But outside of immediate families are certain kinships that you are in and those should be as strong as your actual family. Although families come in many shapes and sizes, they all have a common core and that is unity.

  My family may fight and not get along all the time but without all of them I wouldn’t be the person who I am today.

External sites:

This website gives all the structures of a family and how they function.

This website gave all the sociological theories of a family.

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