Friday, March 21, 2014

Divorce is Scary

Divorce has become more socially accepted over the years, and nearly half of the people who get married end up divorced. People are beginning to marry very young, or because of an unexpected pregnancy, which are two main reasons why people get divorced now a days, because they never truly loved the person. They just felt that they needed to get married because of a major life event. Or why get married if you know you are going to be unfaithful? Is getting married and then divorced really worth it?

My parents got divorced when I was only 4 years old. I never understood why my parents lived in two separate houses, or why it was only every other weekend I got to see my dad. At such a young age, I was not really affected by the divorce, except maybe for all traveling I had to do. Being so young I did not understand what was going on or why things were the way were. When I got older, the divorce took a toll on me. My parents would fight all the time about who got us on the weekends. Being a teenager and wanting to have my own life, caused my parents to fight even more because I did not want to go to my dad’s on the weekend, I wanted to be with friends. This also caused my dad and me to fight all the time and I began to distance myself from him because he would be mean. My brother was only 1 when my parents divorced. I know the divorce still affects him a little bit because he occasionally asks me what I think our lives would be like if they hadn’t gotten divorced. He never knew what life was like when our parents were married because he was so young.
My mom has been a single mom since the divorce. My dad stopped paying child support, and when he did pay it was not even enough for a months’ worth of lunch at school. The divorce was hard on my mom in the first few years. But overall I think she is pretty lucky. She landed an awesome job, making enough money to support my brother and me. And she also got remarried this year after being with her now husband for 15 plus years. They also have an eight year old daughter, my half-sister. This is a link to help children that are affected by divorce:
According to the book, the United States is the fourth highest country in divorce rate. There are many reasons for the high divorce rates in the United States such as women are becoming less dependent on men, many marriages are stressful, and divorce has become more socially acceptable. Divorce is not easier to get. In the past both parties needed to prove they were both guilty of misbehavior not just one of them. Also romantic love fades because many people get married because of an unexpected pregnancy or other reasons. Other people also find new love.
This is a link that explains more about divorce and marriage:

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