Thursday, March 20, 2014

Divorce Over Marriage

It's amazing that now a days the social norm for adults is to get married but then over some time a divorce will occur. It is almost like adults now a days expect it. More than half of marriages end in divorce. Could it be because over time we get tired of our spouses? Are we really that unfaithful in marriages that we are forced to cheat, and then end up getting caught? If you did not fully love that person to begin with, why marry them?  I don't know. Frankly I wish I could understand. I wish I could understand why my parents got divorced after being married for 9 years.

My parents have been divorced since I was in third grade, so I spent most of my life living in a single parent household. My mom was a saint, two young children, moving into an apartment away from the school district, going through a divorce that nearly broke her, having to work two jobs to help support us. I admit that I wish that my parents would have stayed together. I sometimes wonder how my live would be with both of my parents actively in my life. My mom became two parents instantly. Even after so many years with my parents not being together, I believe that this has built me up to be a strong person. My brother however, is two years younger than me. He was in first grade when my parents got a divorce. He took it hard and even to this day he takes it extremely hard. Sometimes he questions "why couldn't mom and dad stay together." My father is not an understanding person and for the last couple years he has distanced himself from my brother and I. So that really upsets my brother a lot. The link below discusses emotional and psychological aspects of divorce. 

In the book it states that divorce is just going to continue to increase. This is because individualism is on the rise, romantic love fades, women are less dependent on men, many of today's marriages are stressful, divorce has become socially acceptable, and legally, divorce is easier to get. Luckily, in the state of Illinois as of 2011, the divorce rate is low, below 3.5%. If you were to Google "Divorce in Illinois" instead of information popping up, information on HOW to get a divorce will pop up instead. In my opinion, I feel like that is sad that if you were trying to look for information on divorce you would have to go through all the "How to get a divorce in Illinois" links before you can finally get the information that you were looking for. Below is a link discussing information on divorce in Illinois.

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