Thursday, March 20, 2014

we belong to many groups

Groups and organizations have been important aspects to society for as long as society has existed. We all belong to many different groups and organizations and these change as we age. We all have family and close friends. As students, we are a part of the university and on a smaller scale this class. For most people, they will find themselves in a leadership position at some point in their life. The type of leader they become will depend on the type of person they are and the kind of group or organization they find themselves in.

As an athlete here at Northern, I identify myself with my team. I'm also going into my fourth year here as a wrestler so I'm very slowing becoming a leader on the team. My experience, being in part of this group has shifted as such. I used to look up some of the older guys on the team and even though It is weird to think about, I'm one of those older guys now. Being on a team is great example of a group. As you skim through our roster, you can see we all share a common goal and a similar past.

NIU Wrestling team roster-

A very special group that almost all of us are a part of now is social media. It wasn't very long ago social media did not exist at all. So this aspect of our lives is very new. Social media has evolved itself and the way we use it also changes with age. There was a time before Facebook when everyone was on myspace. As we grow up we may become less likely to use Facebook and turn to something more professional like linkedin. Right now there's a kind of "generation gap" between those of use that have grown up with social media, and some older people who either refuse to use social media or do not feel it necessary to use it. While social media is being used more by more people, in the future social media could be and most likely will be, used by almost everybody.

Facebook sign in page-

In conclusion, groups are something we can't avoid. We are all part of a group, whether we want to be or not. We have family, friends, colleagues, and co-workers. Some groups are more special than others, some we are born into, and others are chosen, but are nonetheless, a vital means of communication.

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