Friday, March 21, 2014

A Bond Never Broken

    In my option I believe that family is the most important piece of the puzzle you have in your life. In my case, I know that my family will be there for me until the end but in my earlier years it was not always like that. My parents had my older sister at a young age and had me at a more mature age. This left a 13 year gap between my sister and I. Growing up she was more like a baby sitter towards me then an actual sister because of this we were never really close causing us to fight constantly which in the end always turned into a huge argument within the household. This was an issue until we both grew up and my sister moved onto a different stage of her life, marriage. My sister got engaged about two years ago and since then my family’s attitude completely changed. All four of us, mom, dad, sister and I came together to make the wedding as special as possible. Throughout the year of planning, we had our share of arguments but in the end ended up getting extremely close. Now that I have moved onto the next stage of my life by going to college, our family has never been closer.


         Throughout my life I have realized that family comes with an extraordinary bond. In class we learned about family and what it was. In our lecture we learned that family is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another. My family ties greatly into this definition. In this special time we all put aside our differences and helped out an important member of our family. Also in this story we came across kinship which was also talked about in class. As my sister met the man she wanted to marry they were brought together by a social bond that resulted in marriage. Marriage is legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual activity and childbearing.

Not every family is perfect but when people see the true meaning of family it can bring out the best in people. I have learned throughout my years that friends come and go but your family will always be there. My family can be embarrassing at times but I would not want in any other way. In the picture above you can see how happy we all were. We all weren’t fighting or being mean to each other, we found the bond family is supposed to have and embraced it.
In this article it helps talk about resolving family conflict.

This website it gives different types of family life styles and allows you to read more on the type of family you have or are.

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