Thursday, May 1, 2014

Do You Accept Me, Because I Do?


     Growing up, I had a really close relationship with my cousins. We all went to the same school and came home after school to play at the same house. There was no gender exclusive games that we played. We played games such as "It" and "House." Each game is made for both genders to play. I remember one day we decide to play house and one of my male cousin choose the play the mom in the game. Here my cousin choose a female's gender role in which he has to act like a women and participate in womanly duties. We all looked at him and laughed thinking it was a joke but when he explained he was for real so that he can do our hair, we stopped laughing. His older brother instantly got in defense mode as he angrily tried to tell he can't play a girl part. They went back and forth arguing until the older brother finally punched him. My cousin did not fight back and instead he cried. His brother then yelled at him saying, "now you gone cry like a lil girl?" Once again everyone else began to laugh again teasing him saying that he was gay. Not once did my cousin admit that he was. Years later, now that we are adults, my cousin admits to be a homosexual in which he liked guys, those that are the same sex as him. He said he has always knew that he was a homosexual but he was afraid to tell people because he did not want anyone to place judgement and look at him differently. Everyone accepts him for who he is even his parents. Most of my family says it was not a surprise to them that he was homosexual because they said they noticed signs from him acting feminine when he was younger. Today my cousin works at a hair salon where he enjoys doing females hair. Being homosexual has made my cousin seem happier that he can now live his life comfortable as him.

This comes to show that people are born to know their sex preference and their gender identity. It is society that pushes you to be what they want you to be as they teach you past gender roles based from ones sex.

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