Friday, May 2, 2014

Best way to promote diversity, is to eliminate Race.

One of the biggest problems I see is how so many people focus on the race of an individual rather than the key aspects that makes up a persons character, like their personality, beliefs and aspirations. Many different people have a lot of things in common... like favoring the same music, playing the same sports, having the same favorite food, and it can be easily overlook just because outside differences stop people have from one another. Diversity plays a huge role is the success this country and it's something that has to be taught in improved across the system. The only way to spread diversity, is the get rid of the idea of race.

How can race be defined?
According to our text, Race is a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important. Notice "socially constructed category" is underlined and italicized. By socially constructed, they mean created by society to categorize individuals based on things that shouldn't matter, things like physical appearances. Skin color, facial features, hair color and texture, body shapes all play a factor when describing someones race. The real question is why does these factors matter before you take the time to try to get to know someone or introduce yourself to someone. The fact that race is a barrier that keeps people, and society as whole from uniting shows how much image matters. What are you learning about an individual from pointing out their skin color? What are you gaining from someone when you notice the difference in facial features? Nothing. 

How can we eliminate race? 
Is race something that can be completely eliminated? Considering that it is something that was created by our society. I definitely believe so. All it requires is for us to becoming a little less closed minded and a bit more opened-minded and focus on thing that actually make a person different but can also help people grow as individuals when learning about their differences. If we focused on peoples ethnic categories rather than their race we will be able to grow as a stronger society. You may ask, what's the different between ethnicity and race, ethnicity, as defined in our text is a share cultural heritage. Ethnic categories include languages, religion ancestry, and any other cultural traits. I believe that it is important for people to know these things because our society is very multicultural. Learning someones language, learning about someones religion, or learning about a different culture in general can not only make you more open minded, a little bit more educated, but also more willing to be an advocate for diversity among society. 

For more information to learn more about diversity, please visit:

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