Thursday, May 1, 2014

Best friends no matter the sexuality

When I was in the third grade a new girl moved up the street from me and when I got When I was in the third grade a new girl moved up the street from me and when I got to school that morning I saw her I noticed that she was in my class she was a total tomboy and she always wore boy clothes but she didn’t care a single word what anyone said about it and neither did I. So I decided to introduce myself since I knew that she didn't know a single person and I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. So I introduced myself to her and I showed her around at school and ate lunch with her and we seemed to hit it off so well. As the years grew throughout elementary school you couldn’t separate us, we hung out every single day and we were always riding out bikes to each other’s houses and we had sleepovers every weekend. In middle school even though we each played different sports we were still best friends and in high school we were still just as close as we were in elementary school we did everything together and spent every weekend in the summer going to her lake house with both of our families. When I went off to college Courtney didn’t and she stayed back home due to family problems, she came to visit and I would go home all the time as see her too, she started working at a restaurant and she became extremely close with these girls who seemed to consume all of her time and she never would hang out with me when I would call her or text her she would always say that she was busy working or that she had other plans. When we did hang out she would always bring her friend Miranda who eventually last summer moved in with her. I always thought that was strange because when I would hang out with them they would act almost like they were somewhat together and stare at each other.  At that end of the summer before I went back to school she completely isolated her from our group of friends, she would tweet weird things and re-tweet lesbian accounts, some people I knew kept asking me if she was homosexual and I didn’t know what to say because there was a thought it my mind that she might as well be. I didn’t want to add to the rumors that were going around my circle of friends so I decided to ask her to come over and order pizza and watch friends, which is something we would normally do before. I told her about what I had heard and had been seeing from her and she told me that she was with Miranda and they had been dating for awhile but she was scared to tell me because she thought I would judge her or act differently towards her. She said she wasn’t sure if people would accept her for being bisexual because she said that she wasn’t sure if she only ever wanted to be with women. I asked her if she told her mom and she told me that she did and her mom was very accepting of it and told her that if that is something that made her happy then she was happy for her while her dad on the other handing wasn’t so accepting to the fact that his little girl is bisexual. To me it didn’t matter because no what she would always be my friend and that didn’t change the person I met 13 years ago. It makes me sad that because of society today and the way that people view different sexualities that people who are homosexual or bisexual feel as if they need to hide their sexuality. I am a supporter of gay marriage because I don’t think that everyone is the same and I think that is what makes us all unique and individuals, if they love someone who just so happens to be the same sex as them we need to understand as a society because we are not in the 13th century, we need to accept the world we live in along with the people in it and their values and cultures.

                           Order from left to right: My mom, Courtney, Me, Courtney's mom Heidi

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