Friday, May 2, 2014

“Can I go potty?”

Mecca Franklin
Blog 2
“Can I go potty?”

            I experienced a huge social change when I was about 7. I transferred from a predominantly Caucasian school to one that was a mixture of many different races, all except Caucasians. It was mortifying. I would raise my hands to ask to go potty and get laughed at because of my word choice. I would answer all of the teacher’s questions and get laughed at for being a kiss ass. But me, being the smart kid that I was caught on quickly. Soon I started talking back to teachers and popping girls in the head with rubber bands for telling me to be quiet. I adapted to my surroundings quickly because I knew if I did not, the bulling would continue. Once I got a little older, I quickly realized that no matter how you act, you can always make friends willing to accept you for you, and now I can say I am grateful for that experience. Because of that drastic social change I can now relate to people both overly suburban and slightly under educated. Being so diverse has helped me get through life a little easier and knowing how to bring out that inner suburban girl sure helps with finding a job. 

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