Friday, April 4, 2014

Movie Blog "The Great Gatsby"

For this movie blog I am choosing the movie "The Great Gatsby" because I feel like this movie has a lot of examples to talk about that tie into sociology. I am will be discussing the social-conflict, economy, and social class that is present throughout the movie. The setting of The Great Gatsby is based in 1922 in New York. A man named Nick Carraway moves to New York in the summer of 1922 to learn about the bond business that is taking place; but that's not the only thing that is in New York. His cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband live in East Egg and one night he drives out there to have dinner with them but this is where his experience in New York Completely changes because that evening he is introduced to the idea of the mysterious "Great Gatsby". Jay Gatsby is a very wealthy man at that period. He lived in an enormous mansion across the bay from Nick's cousin Daisy, which later in the movie you find out that years before they had a romantic relationship and is still in love with her. He asks Nick who is also his neighbor to secretly reunite them in an awkward reunion at his house. This is where I believe Social conflict and interaction comes into play. First off social conflict is the struggle between segments of society over valued resources. Nick is Jay Gatsby's resource to getting back with Daisy. The social interaction is the process by which people act and react in relations to others.  Nick is put in a bind to set the sparks between them again not knowing the outcome of the situation. Jay Gatsby is using Nick as a connection back into Daisy's life. In the movie you can tell that Nick is uncomfortable with the favor being asked of him. The whole movie is pretty much based on social interaction and social class, such as lower middle upper or rich or poor. Jay Gatsby is one of the richest individuals in New York and he throws the biggest and most craziest popular parties for anyone and everyone to attend to. This is showing how the different classes of society interact with each other. I think that after seeing the movie multiple times it is easier to view the plot and perspective in a more sociological way. Another example of social conflict is the fight that the Great Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, have to win her over. Which later in the movie Gatsby and Daisy have an affair and the whole time Tom and another character Myrtle are having an affair as well. The whole situation is a complex mess. It shows a great amount of social conflict and interaction though. Economy is also present in the movie. The definition of economy is the social institution that organizes a society's production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The way I think economy relates to the movie is the way Jay Gatsby makes his profit and riches. In the beginning of my blog I mention how Mr. Gatsby is a very wealthy man. In the movie everyone who knows of him question and wonder how he is so rich. Towards the end of the movie you find out how. He sells to people and investors "bonds" that are fake. He pretty lies about a product to get you to invest in it and take your money; and in the end you never hear back from him or see him again. To me this is an example of  the production of goods and services in the society of the movie. To end this blog, the movie "The Great Gatsby" has many examples that relate back to sociology and help understand this study in many perspectives.

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