The Division and It's After Effects! By Joshua C. Hall

Why & How... When their is a separation of any kind their will be repercussions of many kinds. When a certain group of individuals of California was being beat down similar to these puppies a whole string of events came in to place where division of all kind's happened. Within our sociology 170 textbook we can see how government, politics, family, social conflict, as well as structural conflict has affected this group of people which formed the Black Panther Movement, as well as what we know today as the Blood's and the Crips. Because the government saw African American's during this time in this area as constant threats' of security to the nation and it's surrounding societies they treated them like home grown terrorist. This broke down their sense of self when they were allowed to be accepted into the work place and migrate north. They were not able to join any of the clubs that any other student had access to. In result of this deem reality they formed their own groups that helped them gain a sense of belonging and acceptance, but where ever they go they were shut down and mistreated to the extremes. This caused social conflict's within our society during this time it crushed to dynamic of opportunity when you were being harassed at any given moment. This made our government and the politics' surrounding it act in a rationally way. This separation of citizen's and state broke down the aspect of security and trust within our government, but it did form a strongest bond with the afflicted. Forming the Black Panther's were used to fight against this form of oppression, but were soon broken up as the Blood's and Crip's from the younger generation who were experiencing suspended animation. When one side attacked another a rivalry started and now the government and it's surrounding politics' are not with war with the afflicted now the afflicted is now in a all out war within their selves. This form of family through the social construct ideology has been broken. This documentary entitled Blood's and Crip's: America Made is a documentary of how a group of people were accepted into the fabric of society within the working force, but now is killing each other off. This aspect has broken up the trust within the government and its surrounding politics' to a point where a us versus them mentality is set into stone... even within ourselves.
Just as the puppies aspect was broken, so are our society; it can be very easy for us to be turned against each other, and be blind sighted to what the real problem is at hand. This a real issue and it takes strong individuals to see through all of the bullshit to realize what the real problem is within our society and to not be side tracked, nor distracted.
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