Friday, April 4, 2014

Crash, Movie Review

       After watching the movie Crash, I found things from the movie that related to our sociology class.
In this blog I will relate the movie and sociological term, the theoretical paradigm of Social-Conflict, along with the three themes of race, stereotypes and role set. To begin, this was a great movie. the concept of the movie was well organized. The way that the writer wrote the movie really amazed me. It puts you in the mind if karma or just a ring. Within the Social-Conflict approach, there lies race-conflict theory. In the movie there was conflict happening between different races where they all lacked trust within one another. There was a lot of racism going on. For example, a black couple was pulled over by two white male police officers  as they suspected sexual behavior was going on by the couple. One of the policemen seemed to very racist as he took advantage of his role set in being an officer who has limited authority, to harass the black couple and search the female sexually. We all know that a male officer is not to search a female. The officer was so irritated by the couple being black, that he showed racist behavior by taking advantage of his role of being an officer. Throughout the entire movie, there was a lot of racism going on between many races. They were being stereotypical of one another when they knew nothing about each other. For example a Latino male had a job in fixing locks in which he fixed the door lock to a white family's home. The white woman felt the need she had to get the locks changed again because they were done by Latino man, as if he was going to come back into here home and possible rob her. She stereotype him right away. Because there was so much racism and stereotypes going in the film. The writer made them all crash into one another in some way in which they needed to other race. The woman who was assaulted by a white police officer, had to trust another white male police officer to help her out of a terrible car accident in which her life was on the line. The writer opened people's eyes, well at least mine to see the bigger picture of the world. My eyes was open to see that you may never know who you will need in life so watch what you do and say to others no matter what age, race, or occupation you're in and to stop placing judgment to other races because of what you so called "known" them for being. In reality we are all thinking the same way and when no one thinks outside the box it builds up conflicts that want reach an end until things just crash together. There's one world with millions in it. Together we will survive. From this blog I hope you get the gist of my comparisons on how the movie Crash relates to topics we are learning in sociology.

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