Friday, April 18, 2014

Blog Critique

I chose the blog “Women's Lack Of Confidence Doesn't Cause Inequality. Sexism Does.” from the Huffington Post. In the blog it states how woman are exposed to sexism, which can lower their confidence in the work place. According to the book sexism is when one sex or the other is innately inferior or superior. I believe from a sociologist’s point of view this would be correct. I am a woman, so I know what it feels like to be “discriminated against.” When someone seems to be above you in any environment it lowers your self-confidence immensely. Also in the blog it states how woman have children, which keeps them from working when they give birth. Because of this, many employers do not give higher jobs to woman, which is why many woman work for men, such as being secretaries or nurses. From a sociologists point of view I would believe this to be true also because during the time woman are out of work due to having a child, men are working and moving up the chain in a company. When the woman come back to work, and see men who were hired after them, higher up in the company then them it can be deceiving. This would lower the confidence of a woman because they would think that they are not good enough to work for a company because they had a child. Also a woman’s confidence in the work place could be lower because of the pay difference between men and woman. In the book it states that woman earn seventy eight cents for every dollar a man earns. This could lower a woman’s confidence because they might not feel like they match up to a man even though they do the same amount of work. This would keep a woman from wanting to achieve a higher status within the company. In the blog, sexual harassment was not discussed. I think this is a big part of low self-confidence in woman in the work place. Sexual harassment is when comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated and unwelcome, according to the book. This can lower a woman’s confidence because most men occupy most positions of power. Because men hold higher positions they think it is okay to harass women. This can make women feel like the lower end of the totem pole, and keep them from wanting to move up within their job. It causes woman to think that men/their supervisors or bosses are only thinking of them in terms of sex and not as an employee, which could lead them to think they mean nothing to the company so why care about trying.

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