Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Opinion On Religion

            Growing up in the United States the thought of religion is everywhere, it’s on our money it’s in our anthem, it seems no matter where you go religion will find you. Now this will not be a blog bashing religion I will just be outlining the reasons I feel people as a whole have grown out of religion.

             When religion started it was because people didn't understand the vast world that surrounded them and they were confused by things that we see today and can explain. With the roots of religion based around Polytheism or the belief in many gods there was a god for everything, there was a sun god and a god for the harvest and a god of war. There were countless numbers of gods that differed in every religion, and as man progressed as a whole the gods started to be a cause for war and violence. During the Spanish inquisition in 1478 countless people that believed in the Jewish faith were outcast by the Catholic Church. People believed the Jews to be less than the Catholics even though they belonged to the same state and lived almost the same lives but the worshiped a different god. This link shows all of the effects that the inquisition had on both the Jewish and the Moorish population of Spain ( there are countless other conflicts that started because of a dispute between religions. Most people would say that religion gives people hope and while I can’t argue that it doesn't I can say it should be taken less seriously.
Another main reason why religion was so needed in the past was because of the lack of medical science. Take for example the worshiping of the goddess of the harvest in ancient Egypt. If a harvest failed they would blame the gods. They wouldn't think that maybe there wasn't enough water or the winds effected the crops so they shouldn't plant them there they would just question the gods and get on with their lives. Now in today’s society we know more than people 100 years ago ever thought we would. We have come from a country based on tobacco to a country that is run by one of the biggest governments in the world. We have come so far and grown out of so many other things why can’t religion be one of them.

                The way I see modern religion and again this is only my opinion, I see it as a large scale and one of the longest running scams in the world. When people go to church and they pay the tithe even if they are struggling to put food on the table they keep paying the church. This website ( shows that the average American is paying 30-35% of their annual salary to the church. Now while the congregation is living I poverty the pastors are living the good life. Take for example the church that was close to my house growing up, now I lived in a middle class town but there were some people that were considered under the poverty line because of unemployment and every week I would see them either walking to church or carpooling because there car was in the shop and they didn't
know if they could afford the mechanic bills. Then while those people are walking into the church the pastors arrive in the brand new Mercedes Benz. When I saw this I started to question why we did what we did. Why did we go to a certain building every Sunday and listen to someone read us a book and sing songs? Why was my family shelling thousands of dollars putting our way of life in jeopardy but only cushioning the life’s of the pastors? Why do we devote so much time to a building when god knows all? The way I see it religion has caused more harm than good at least in my case. I have not gone to church in 11 years and I plan to keep it that way. I have changed my view on how the bible is not a holy book to me, to me it is just another book.

Gender Equality: A Work in Progress

Gender refers to the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male. Gender also involves hierarchy, placing men and women in different positions in terms of power, wealth and other resources. According to what was discussed in class this is gender stratification, the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women. Gender involves more than how people think and act. According to the text, it is also about how society is organized, how our lives are affected by social hierarchy. Gender stratification can be seen in just about every aspect of our daily lives.
According to the text, a century ago college was considered appropriate only for men. By 1980, women earned a majority of all associate and bachelor’s degrees. In 2010, women were a majority of the students on college and university campuses across the United States, earning fifty-nine percent of all associate and bachelor’s degrees (US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). This is relevant to my life now because I am currently a female student trying to earn my bachelor’s degree. Based on these statistics, thankfully, it seems that with each passing year it is becoming more common for females to earn these degrees whereas a century ago it would be unacceptable for me to be trying to earn a bachelor’s degree. 
Being a female college student, a huge concern of mine is graduating and not making as much money as I should be for the degree I will hold. Income is another issue we still see today based on gender. According to the text, in 2011 the median earnings for a women working full time was $37,118 and men working full time earned $48,202. This means that for every dollar earned by men, women earned about seventy-seven cents. Although the income gap is much better in comparison with the past, it is still an issue that women who have similar educational credentials, scores on standardized tests, fields of study and degrees from colleges of similar standings still get paid less.  
Overall, gender inequality is still an extremely important issue that needs to be addressed by society as a whole. Looking back a century ago we can see that there has been significant improvement in comparison to how socially disadvantaged women were then to now. Hopefully the transformation continues so that eventually we can have social equality between genders. 

